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Spirit Drone Flute
Discount Special
(plus shipping and taxes if applicable)

Regular $125






































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I have a number of Mid A Minor Pentatonic Spirit Drone Flutes that play beautifully but have cosmetic imperfections (scuffs and scratches & untidy glue job). I'm selling them at a discounted price, passing on the savings on to customers who have been wanting a Spirit Drone Flute at a very good price. Here's a few pics of what I'm talking about.


Shipping costs $23.85 via Canada Post Expedited Parcel and usually takes 6-10 business days. However with COVID-19 and the Christmas shipping rush coming it may take longer.

Spirit Drone Sale Sound SampleRichard Dubé
00:00 / 01:15
Spirit Drone Sale Sound Sample Solo HarmRichard Dubé
00:00 / 01:18

The Indigenous Style D Diatonic

Northern Spirit Flute

Sales Special
(plus Canadian taxes)




The tuning on the Indigenous D Style Northern Spirit Flute is based on Kevin Locke's grandfather's over 100 year old flute. Kevin calls this tuning "the real deal". I am honored to have been asked by Kevin to be a part of his vision in helping to revitalize and promote the original tuning and teachings for what he aptly calls the Indigenous North American flute. 


This Indigenous D diatonic style flute plays the do, re, mi scale much like a penny whistle and recorder but, of course with a much gentler and more beautiful tone quality. This flute opens the door up to playing traditional Lakota and other Indigenous songs, as well as to new melodic possibilities that are hard to play on the contemporary tuned Native American Flute. That being said, you can also still play the same minor pentatonic scale on the Indigenous D flute that you can play on the contemporary Native American Flute, but with slightly different fingerings.


You can get the complete holiday package above that includes the Indigenous Style D Diatonic Northern Spirit Flute, the Learn to Play the Flute book, the SongKeepers DVD and a flute bag all for $99.95 including the cost of shipping! That's a savings of almost $25.00!


Order now to have the complete package arrive before Christmas.

Indigenous Style D Diatonic Sale Sound SRichard Dubé
00:00 / 01:08
Indigenous D SSB Sale Pic 2020 copy.jpg

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